Where Will Your Journey Begin?
"txt1":"Cathedral Rock",
"txt1":"Montezuma Castle",
"txt1":"San Xavier Mission",
"txt1":"Santa Cruz River Valley",
"txt1":"Wupatki National Monument",
"alt":"The ruins of an ancient stone pueblo, built on a red rock bluff."
"txt1":"The Painted Desert",
Located in Northern Arizona in Sedona and in Southern Arizona in Tubac, Spirit Steps Tours has offered an incomparable choice of educational and enlightening experiences for the seeking sojourner and eco-tourist since 1980. Our professional staff offers personal tour experiences to fit the unique needs of individuals and groups from the four corners of the planet. We provide step-on guide service with a multilingual staff of diverse cultural and educational backgrounds.
We provide a bridge, a transformational link, from the present-day routines of life to bold encounters with our rich heritage along with a fresh look to the hope of the future.